Benefits of a local Thanksgiving

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Morgan Seale

Thanksgiving can be, and should be, one of the most profitable times of the year for farmers; however, in recent years, more and more people have turned to buying from large chain grocery stores who get their products from enormous farming plantations in the South and other far off food production areas. According to PBS, on average, our food travels 1,500 miles before it reaches our plate. They also said that “even though broccoli is likely grown within 20 miles of the average American’s house, the broccoli we buy at the  supermarket travels an average of 1,800 miles to get there.” This is due to the fact that many corporations find it easier to buy produce in bulk at a low cost from enormous farms where the farmers are constantly growing the crops the companies intend to sell.

Over the years, it has become embarrassingly obvious that although this mass transportation of food can provide asparagus and clementines in February it also comes with dire costs, particularly the toll such voyages take on the nutritional character of our ingestibles. According to Vern Grubinger, a vegetable and berry expert from the University of Vermont and author of “Ten Reasons to Buy Local Foods,” without a doubt  “local food is better for you. The shorter the time between the farm and your table, the less likely it is that nutrients will be lost from fresh food.” The depleting sojourns our stuffed birds and cranberries have undergone before being placed next to Grandma’s Famous Gravy may not be on the top of any of our lists of concerns, especially on a holiday dedicated to gluttony and afternoon naps between buffet rounds, but, with the help of some local farmers, a switch to a more environmentally friendly, locally-grown, and, often times, more delectable selection of Thanksgiving fare may be quite painless.

When it comes to locally grown produce Haverhill has plenty of options:

  1. Wally’s Vegetables - 799 Amesbury Road Haverhill, MA
  2. Chris’s Farm Stand - 436 Salem St, Haverhill, MA
  3. Raymond’s Turkey Farm - 163 Hampstead St Methuen, MA

These are a only a few of the options Haverhill has to offer, with a little research and friendly conversation, you’re sure to come across many more.

Thanksgiving is upon us and it is up to us to make sure our local farmers have the business they need to keep doing what they love; besides, what's Thanksgiving without a delicious, healthy, locally raised turkey and fresh vegetables? Mediocre is what it is. Buying locally grown food is a win-win situation for everyone (except for maybe big businesses). If everyone went out and bought just one part of their meal from local farmers it would have a huge impact and really help to support their business. Adding fresh grown vegetables and possibly a locally raised healthy Turkey can be very beneficial for both the farmer and consumer.
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